Hình bìa

Producing biomolecular substances with fermenters, bioreactors and Biomolecular synthesizers

        This book is designed for biochemical and biopharmaceutical engineers, technicians, scientists new to biotechnology, production, QA personnel, and managers. it emphasizes practical techniques, methods, and applications. Producing Biomolecular Substances with Fermenters, Bioreactors, and Biomolecular Synthesizers provides a discussion of the substance, character, makeup, and quality of the materials used in the production and downstream processing of biomolecular substances: raw materials, reagents, intermediates, and consumables

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Tài liệu tham khảo
Tác giả:
William L. Hochfeld
Đề mục:
Nhà xuất bản:
Taylor & Francis Group, 2006
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29. KTBPUSH.05-Producing biomolecular substances with fermenters.pdf Kb XemTải