In order to create more convenient conditions in exploiting and using information resources; using facilities to support self-study, self-research, team work; organizing seminars, events,... for research and teaching, the Users see the following instructions of using the space and facilities at HUFI’s Library:

1.     Use of the Library entrance

The Library resources are controlled through the security gate system at the 1st and 3rd Floors, so they are also the main entrances to access the Library. In addition, the Library also uses internal stairs to move among the floors.

At each entrance on the 1st and 3rd Floors, the Library is equipped with the shoe lockers for the Users:

-  1st Floor: A shoe locker is located in front of the Library lobby and next to the door to the staircase.

-   3rd Floor: A shoe locker is located in front of the elevator.

Please leave your shoes at the right place.

2.     Library card

Library cards are personnel cards with codes (HR code) according to the attached list. The Users use personnel cards or student cards to check in - check out items and use other services at the Library.

3.     Hours of operation and facility space at the floors:

The library has 4 floors with the hours of operation and facility space of each  floor as below:

4.     Use of the Presentation practice/Research/Group Study/Seminar rooms

       The Library provides the following facilities and spaces to help the Users study and work conveniently and comfortably:

·          Instruction

The Users make a reservation through the Booking application on the Library's website, specifically:

-       Step 1: Access the Library Portal at the website address 

-    Step 2: Select “BOOKING” to enter registration information, or register online via the link:

-       Step 3: Get the booking results in 15 minutes

-       Step 4: Come directly to the Information desk on the 3rd/4th Floor to carry out procedures for checking in/checking out.  


-      Booking result will be canceled in case the person who have booked the room implement the procedures more than 15 minutes late for the booking time

-     The Users can cancel the registration results by themselves on the booking interface or by notifying the librarians: or Hotline 097 117 3837

-   In order to meet exactly the demand, please send the registration information to the Library 1 week before the usage time.

      The area for organizing seminars, events,... is also a common study space, so the Users should book the rooms on Saturday every week.

    5.  Access information and and how to use the Library resources

        a.     Printed book resources

The current printed resources of the Library are 6,408 publications, corresponding to 16,331 copies, including books, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, projects, theses, scientific studies... arranged according to the functional characteristics at the floors.

       How to use printed book resources

-   Step 1 Access the Library Portal at the website address  to search, locate and determine the status of items in the repository.

To look up items on the smartphone, please install the following application:

+   Link app mobile iOS 

+   Link app trên android:

-      Step 2: Access the repository to get items

-      Step 3: Implement the procedure to check out items (if available)

        Deadline of checking out/renewing items:

How to check out/check in/renew printed (paper) items

The Users directly check out/check in/renew items at the Information desk or through the Self-check station:

-    Automatically check out/check in/renew items: Bring the items to the Self-check station located on the 1st Floor and carry out the procedures of checking out/checking in/renewing according to the direction board.

-     Check out/check in/renew items via the librarians: Bring items to the Information desk for checking out/checking in/renewing procedure.

         b.    Electronic resources

The Library provides resources including copyrighted databases owned by HUFI such as lectures, curriculum, dissertations, projects, theses, scientific research topics, scientific articles, etc.; digitized items from the existing repository in the Library; and the databases linked and purchased by the Library, specifically:


       6.     Other services:

       a.      Additional items request:

This service provides information channels for the readers to request additional items for the Library in order to better meet the needs of learning, teaching and research. The Users who request additional items please fill in the information online via the link:

       b.      Interlibrary check-out request:

The Users who need to check out items from the libraries in the HUFI’s Library network please follow the instructions at the link:


For detailed information on searching and exploiting resources, renewing items online, ordering items in advance, understanding Library rules, etc., the Users see the instructions at the Library Portal.

For any questions or difficulties in using the Library, please directly contact the librarians at the Information desk or send to email:  or Hotline 097 117 3837 for support.